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L’AltroMondo - Looking UP




September 19-30, 2022 – 2-hour online seminars:

- "Performance – Contemporary Art and Public Spaces” by Laura Barreca, Director of the city museum of Castelbuono

- “Performance and sustainability – How can an artist create environmentally sustainable performances?” by Fabrizio Giacalone of Associazione Palma Nana

- “Urban planning” by di Michele Cerruti But, coordinator of Accademia Unidee, Fondazione Pistoletto (BI)

- “Performance and Live music” by Nicola Mogavero

- “Sociology and Art” by Michele Federico

- “Performance and Public spaces” by Firenza Guidi



October 2-9, 2022 – in-person workshop and art residency in Castelbuono (PA)

Under the coordination of international director and choreographer Firenza Guidi, participants will be able to develop their creative vision in the identified urban spaces [the village of

Castelbuono], and lay the groundwork for a short performance and/or workshop in the target community. The project developed during the residency will be presented on Saturday 8

and Sunday 9, 2022.



How to participate


Professional artists from all disciplines and genres (theater, circus, dance, music, painting, plastic arts, literature, videomaking ...) may participate.

Given the peculiar nature of the project, a maximum of 10 participants will be accepted.

Registrations must be received by September 15, 2022,by filling out the form at the following link https://forms.gle/k9euK3un8kchzE1X8.

Once you have filled out the form, go to the Fnas e-shop to purchase the course.




-  Individual artist, members of FNAS: € 200.00

-  Companies, members of FNAS: € 180.00 per person

-  Individual artist, NON-members of FNAS: € 250.00

-  Companies, NON-members of FNAS: € 230.00 per person


The fees refer to the 2022 program. Attendance of the first year does not make participating in the following two years mandatory. It is also possible to join the project for one year only - the first and/or the following ones.

Membership fees are annual: €50 for individual artists, €120 for companies. For more information click here


Thanks to the support of the municipality, participant will be offered free accommodation and one meal per day during the stay in Castelbuono.






FNAS – Federazione Nazionale Arti in Strada

FNAS, Federazione Nazionale Arti in Strada (the National Federation of Street Arts), was founded over two decades ago as an association of artists and festival programmers who work in public spaces with Outdoor Arts.

Over time, its mission has changed, adapting its vision and actions to the evolution of a sector that traditionally brings together a very diverse set of art forms and modes of expression.

Street performances - sometimes seen as the tail end of the cultural system - have undergone major transformations. Today, new generations of artists have made Outdoor Arts their profession, and feel the urgency of finding a place in the cultural system to which they belong.

FNAS has always worked to offer a renewed vision of the performing arts in public spaces. while they are still the expression of a tradition rooted in the DNA of the first generations of artists, FNAS is also evolving into a place where young of artists can exchange views and find new tools for their profession.

The quick evolution of scenarios, especially in the past two years, has made it imperative to become aware of the fundamental role that FNAS plays as a facilitator and promoter of virtuous processes that focus the promotion of emerging creativity, the circulation of artists, and the support of the entire arts sector in public spaces.




Organized by:

FNAS Federazione Nazionale Arti in Strada - http://www.fnas.it/

APS Il cinghiale e la Balena - https://www.ilcinghialeelabalena.it/


With the contribution of:

Ministero della Cultura - http://www.spettacolodalvivo.beniculturali.it/


With the support of:

Comune di Castelbuono - https://www.comune.castelbuono.pa.it/hh/index.php

Museo Civico di Castelbuono - http://www.museocivico.eu/


Under the patronage of:

Fondazione Pistoletto - https://www.cittadellarte.it/

Accademia Unidee - https://accademiaunidee.it/it/


In cooperation with:

Palma Nana cooperativa sociale - https://www.educazioneambientale.com/

Moger arte e cultura Soc. Coop. - https://moger.it/

Museo Internazionale delle Marionette Antonio Pasqualino - https://www.museodellemarionette.it/

Associazione Rasoterra - https://www.rasoterra.org/

Associazione Kiklos https://www.facebook.com/SpazioKiklos 




